Chris’s Story

Breaking the chains of generational addiction takes incredible courage.  Being submersed in alcoholism and drug addiction in your formative years can have a strong impact and powerfully shape the years ahead. 

Chris spent many of his growing-up years surrounded by family members who loved and cared for him, but who were also deep in the throes of addiction. The regular drinking scene in his home eventually became a source of comfort and familiarity for him and he too journeyed down the same path of addiction. 

Through the years, Chris’ substance use was ‘manageable’.  Working in the carpentry industry while quietly using drugs was maintainable for some time, but when Chris lost contact with his young daughter, lost his mother to cancer, and multiple friends to fentanyl overdoses, his addiction went to a whole new level.   

At the suggestion of a friend, Chris entered Ruth & Naomi’s Oasis addiction recovery program six months ago and has not looked back since.  ‘I’ve been learning so much about myself since I’ve been in the program…in group, in volunteering, and especially in doing service work.   (Ruth & Naomi’s) showed me that there is a reality of God out there.  It makes me feel very humble to have an opportunity like this and to be a productive member of the community and to do something good not just for myself but others as well.’ 

Now actively involved in a local church (Southside-Chilliwack) while continuing in the recovery program, Chris finds hope for a future through the program, the people surrounding him, and through his new-found relationship with Jesus.  


Tausha’s Story


Jim’s Story