Ron’s Story

Extreme Anxiety. PTSD. Depression. ADHD. ‘My fists would tighten into a ball, my teeth would clench, and my arms wouldn’t stop moving and flailing. I had lost control of my body and my mind and I was heading in a really bad direction.’

When Ron showed up at Ruth & Naomi’s Shelter almost 2 years ago, he was feeling hopeless, defeated, and fearful of what his future would be. Still reeling from the deaths of his father, then his mother a few months later, and then his wife of 11 years all within the span of a year, Ron was looking for hope and support as he tried to figure out what life meant to him now.

His struggles and grief had led him to the streets and back to alcohol, a habit he had kicked years before. Recognizing he needed help, Ron stayed at the shelter for several months and then was able to secure housing at the RAN Interchange. Living there now for 8 months, Ron has found a new home and new hope! ‘I started taking care of myself again, caring about the way I look, taking my meds, doing my laundry. I try to do what I can to help out around here. I do this as a way to give back because I have a roof over my head, I have a bed to sleep in, and food to eat. I’m treated with respect. Facing my issues with the help of the staff here, I now understand myself way more than I ever did and I started learning how to correct my own things. I felt so useless; I was a failure. Being here has brought me back to who I am. My ultimate goal is to hopefully get a job and my own place and to try to rebuild my family connections.

The Interchange aims to support individuals helping them to get back on their feet and providing them with affordable housing. A variety of programs and activities are offered to better their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, to encourage independent living and to provide other supports to better their health and wellbeing. The interchange is just one of RAN Missions initiatives. Meals services, multiple shelters, supportive housing, low income family housing, residential addiction recovery services. RAN Mission seeks to be light to a community in need.

The Interchange aims to support individuals helping them to get back on their feet and providing them with affordable housing. A variety of programs and activities are offered to better their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, to encourage independent living and to provide other supports to better their health and wellbeing. The interchange is just one of RAN Missions initiatives. Meals services, multiple shelters, supportive housing, low income family housing, residential addiction recovery services. RAN Mission seeks to be light to a community in need.


Danniele’s Story


Chris’s Story